Nutrition for prostatitis involves the consumption of zinc, which is necessary for the beneficial course of all processes. Food containing zinc can prevent the development of sexual impotence. This group includes: citrus fruits, potato tubers, tomatoes, seafood.
You should remember what you should not eat if you have prostatitis: smoked foods, any spicy food is not recommended. You should reduce the amount of sweets you consume, as well as strong brewed tea or coffee. Garlic and any types of onions should not be completely removed from the diet, but they should not be abused either.
Almost half of the effective cure for prostatitis depends on medications and prostate massage, as well as on a man’s general lifestyle: healthy eating and exercise. It is important for a man who has been diagnosed with prostatitis to pay increased attention to his diet and exercise.
The fact is that some foods can harm all organs and systems of the body. But correctly selected products for prostatitis, on the contrary, can activate all the hidden reserves and reserves of strength of the body, thereby helping the male body quickly overcome inflammation of the prostate gland.
For prostatitis and prostate adenoma, doctors advise sticking to a certain diet, which includes only those foods that will help relieve irritation and inflammation from the prostate gland, and also help improve overall male well-being.
Natural drinks
When the prostate gland is inflamed, the body needs vitamins, and natural drinks contain not only the necessary vitamins, but also essential antioxidants and other beneficial substances. Which strengthen the prostate gland, activate and normalize its work, and also flush the urinary tract, while reducing overall inflammation.
Natural drinks include: juice, fresh juice, green tea, uzvar, compote, etc.
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Fresh fruits and vegetables contain the entire necessary complex of vitamins and microelements; these beneficial substances support the normal functioning of the prostate gland.
Yes, proper nutrition for prostatitis and adenoma promotes rapid recovery!
Problems with the prostate gland and the entire male reproductive system are easier to solve against the backdrop of a healthy diet, because diet and properly selected treatment can help the entire body more actively cope with inflammatory processes in it.
- Dangerous foods for the prostate – hot, spicy spices. You should avoid black and red pepper, which increases inflammation in the organ;
- It is important to avoid processed foods and salt, which contribute to urinary stagnation;
- It is necessary to switch to fractional meals, eat food at the same time;
- The menu should contain foods rich in antiseptic substances - onions, garlic, mustard seeds;
- The menu is adjusted depending on the phase of the pathology. During the period of remission, you can deviate a little from the rules; in the acute phase, it is important to strictly adhere to the diet;
- The amount of fat should be reduced to a minimum. Instead, eat greens, vegetables and fruits, whole grain products, which retain all amino acids, minerals and vitamins;
- The menu should contain unsaturated, healthy fats - sea fish, olive and flaxseed oils;
- The carbohydrate part of the menu is represented by porridges and bread made from whole grain flour. It is better to bake bread yourself without using baking powder;
- It is better to avoid flour and sweet products;
- It is preferable to choose protein foods of plant origin - legumes;
- Low-fat dairy products are present in the diet in small quantities. They are combined with cereals and fruits;
- As for sweets, it is better to avoid them, with the exception of honey if you are not allergic to it. You can also prepare desserts from natural products, for example, candies from dried apricots, raisins, figs, prunes;
- It is better to eat fresh vegetables and fruits without preliminary heat treatment in order to preserve the beneficial chemical composition as much as possible. Other foods can only be boiled or steamed.
Even the most balanced diet and well-designed diet will not help a man if he leads a sedentary lifestyle. First of all, we are talking about a full, active sex life. In this case, the prostate gland receives sufficient load and functions properly.

The value of proper nutrition for an inflamed prostate has already been determined; all that remains is to individually consult with a nutritionist regarding the daily diet, rules for eating food and its daily assortment.
In addition, it is important to carefully monitor your water balance, and to do this, drink a sufficient amount of liquid per day - at least 2 liters (monitor the appearance of edema). This is not all that is recommended for patients with progressive prostatitis:
- The patient must be prohibited from consuming animal fat in the diet, since it is deposited on the walls of blood vessels and disrupts systemic circulation.
- The presence of antioxidants in the form of natural greens helps to avoid the development of prostate adenoma in men and malignant tumors.
- Preservatives, pickles, smoked foods, spices, and semi-finished products for prostatitis remain strictly prohibited; they negatively affect the functioning of the prostate.
- Breakfast in the morning should be fortified and complete, and for dinner in the evening it is advisable to prepare a vegetable salad or a portion of cottage cheese.
- It is advisable to replace fatty broths on a diet with lean meat or vegetable broths, especially during periods of exacerbation of prostatitis in men.
- Food for men with prostatitis should be of high quality, since questionable semi-finished products increase the number of attacks of prostatitis.
- With the help of a therapeutic diet, it is important to control concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in order to minimize the risk of complications in the treatment of prostatitis.
If the disease prostatitis is determined in a man’s body, treatment should follow immediately. The first step is to choose a diet for prostatitis in men, the main goal of which is not to disrupt and restore systemic blood flow, strengthen weakened immunity, and prolong the period of remission. The disease is insidious, so it is important to learn the basic rules of proper nutrition for every day:
- Liquid – still mineral water, unsweetened jelly, compotes, medicinal decoctions, berry fruit drinks, green tea. In the morning after waking up, you can drink a glass of water.
- Diet meals for prostatitis - moderate portions, eat at the same time of day, do not overeat, do not overload digestion.
- Physical activity – men are encouraged to take long walks in the fresh air and brisk walking.
- Method of preparation - it is better to bake, boil, steam, stew, simmer foods. For example, a very healthy piece of boiled or steamed chicken breast.
- Duration - if the first attack has occurred, the prostate diet in men should be lifelong.
The first thing you need to do is give up alcohol. The breakdown of aldehydes has a negative effect on the prostate, stimulating inflammation, complicating the course of the disease.
Smoking also has a negative effect on the outflow of venous blood, which causes swelling.
Blood circulation pathologies have a bad effect on the condition of the prostate. Cholesterol, which is high in animal fats, forms plaques in blood vessels.
The diet for an inflamed gland should be structured in such a way that changes are visible. Usually with it there are changes for the better.
For prostatitis, nutrition should be balanced and fractional. There is no single diet recommended for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, but there are a number of recommendations for nutrition and diet.
The main principles of the diet:
- eating often, but in small portions;
- normalization of drinking regime;
- alcohol ban;
- minimizing fatty and fried foods;
- providing the required amount of vitamins and microelements.
You should eat every 3-4 hours. The portion should be moderate but balanced. Despite the absence of strict restrictions, when composing your diet, you should pay attention to healthy foods for prostatitis and minimize fatty and fried foods, which increase the load on the stomach.
The diet for prostatitis in men is based on the principles of a healthy diet and limiting harmful foods. The diet is selected taking into account the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the body. All products that cause allergies or aggravate symptoms are prohibited. The menu is compiled individually for each patient, but there are general recommendations and principles for easing the course of the disease.
Basic principles of the diet:
- giving up any type of alcohol and smoking;
- exclusion from the diet of spices, preservatives, semi-finished products, spicy and salty foods;
- eating regularly, preferably at the same time;
- supplementing the diet with exercise and walking;
- refusal of fatty and smoked foods;
- consumption of vegetable salads, herbs;
- adding garlic and onions, mustard to dishes;
- drawing up a menu taking into account the exacerbation phase;
- minimal heat treatment of fruits and vegetables;
- limiting salt and sweets;
- Constantly maintaining a diet and avoiding unhealthy foods.
The menu is compiled based on the list of permitted products. Limiting spicy vegetables, salt, spices and seasonings affects the taste of dishes, however, you can diversify the taste with neutral sour cream, milk and cream sauces made in your own hand.
The greatest restrictions occur during the acute period of the disease (exacerbation of the chronic process), and during the period of remission the diet expands and does not cause any psychological discomfort.
Main goals of dieting
The appearance of initial signs of inflammation should be a signal that a man’s diet needs to be completely restructured:
- reduce the risks of additional irritation of the gland by consuming harmful foods;
- eliminate a significant portion of cholesterol-containing foods from the diet;
- Do not consume large amounts of liquid or diuretic products;
- ensure the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract through the consumption of fermented milk products;
- include in the menu products for the prostate, containing vitamins and minerals to increase the body's protective functions.
Nutrition for prostatitis in men is not only a way to quickly get rid of the disease, but also necessary measures to preserve reproductive functions.
The main goals of nutrition for prostatitis are as follows:
- Prevention of another irritation of the prostate gland, aggravating the inflammatory process;
- Ensuring normal blood flow and delivery of necessary substances to the prostate gland, preventing atherosclerosis;
- Reducing the need for frequent visits to the toilet during sleep;
- Bringing the gastrointestinal tract back to normal;
- Strengthening the immune system.

If a man wants to take care of his health and avoid prostatitis, it is worth removing from the diet such foods as spices, various sauces, fried and smoked foods, fatty meats, caffeine-based drinks, and soda.
You should also give up bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
Everything that is beneficial against the prostate is beneficial for the entire body as a whole.
It is very important to adhere to certain nutritional rules that every man who cares about his health should know about. The organization of the daily diet should be based on the following principles:
- Initially, you need to stop consuming large amounts of salt. It retains water in the body, which, in turn, helps it cleanse itself of harmful substances and toxins. In addition, sodium chloride reduces the anti-inflammatory properties of calcium, which removes foci of inflammation;
- Periodically you need to arrange fasting days for yourself. They help the body to rest, after which it will have the strength to fight the problems that are currently bothering the person;
- Nutrition should be balanced. This means that the diet should contain healthy foods that can saturate the body with valuable microelements and vitamins.
The composition and quality of prostatic juice, which washes out harmful elements from the gland that enhance the inflammatory process, depends on what a man eats.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men that do not allow the consumption of alcohol are considered even during the period of a minor inflammatory process.
Do not forget that only high-quality certified alcohol is allowed for consumption. Other drinks of dubious origin can significantly worsen the patient's health. In addition, this will negatively affect previously performed therapy.
Can I drink coffee?
Some men are interested in whether it is possible to eat fried cutlets with prostatitis, while others are interested in whether they are allowed to drink coffee. Both of these products are strictly prohibited on a therapeutic diet, since with prostatitis they complicate blood circulation, provoke congestion in the urinary system, and accumulate cholesterol in the vessels.
If a person cannot live without coffee, you can prepare a weak drink and drink it not at night, but closer to lunch in a strictly limited portion.
Healthy foods
The diet of a person with chronic prostatitis does not differ significantly from the basic norms of healthy nutrition. During periods of exacerbation of the inflammatory process, any food should be prepared only by steaming.
Fried foods should be completely avoided. However, when the patient's condition is stable and the inflammation is not progressing, fried foods should be eaten only in small quantities.

Acceptable foods: low-fat meat and fish, as well as cheese, cottage cheese, fermented milk products for the prostate. In addition, it is beneficial to eat nuts and seeds.
Contraindications for prostatitis in men can only be if there is an allergy to the above foods. Therefore, you should understand what is good for the prostate and what is acceptable for use in each specific case.
The diet for chronic prostatitis contains cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits. Complex carbohydrates allow a person to maintain strength and energy throughout the day, which has a beneficial effect on recovery. You need to eat animal fat - this is an equally important component in the diet. Thus, normalization of metabolic processes occurs in the body.

Step by step recipe:
- Peel pink salmon from bones, wash and dry with a towel.
- Mix crackers, salt and butter. Chop the dill and add to the marinade.
- Grate the fish. Cut the lemon into rings and add to the top.
- Grease a baking sheet and place pink salmon.
- Set the oven to 180 degrees, leave the fish for a quarter of an hour.
Place on lettuce leaves before serving. Fish can be eaten either warm or cold.
You can also cook veal with rice. To prepare you will need:
- Veal – 150 g;
- Rice – 1 glass;
- Carrots - to taste;
- Parsley - to taste;
- Celery - to taste;
- Parsnip - to taste;
- Bay leaf – 1 pc. ;
- Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l. ;
- Salt – small amount.
Step by step recipe:
- Place the meat in boiled water, bring to a boil, and drain the broth. Place the meat back into the pan and bring to a boil. Add vegetables and salt. Leave the meat on the stove until cooked.
- Wash the rice in cold water. Heat a frying pan, add oil. Fry the rice until yellowish crust, reduce heat.
- Pour in 1. 5 cups of water, add salt. Cover the pan with a lid and leave until the rice is cooked.
Place the dish on a plate, add finely chopped herbs.
For dessert, you can cook apples and currants in the oven. For this you will need:
- Apple – 2 pcs. ;
- Black currants, frozen or fresh – 1 cup;
- Sugar and powdered sugar - minimal amount.
Step by step recipe:
- Wash the apples and cut into two parts. Carefully pull out the middle.
- Add sugar to currants and stir.
- Place currants in apples and leave in baking dish.
- Set the oven to 200 degrees and leave for a quarter of an hour.
- Remove and cool slightly. Add powder.
Eating according to the principles discussed above helps speed up remission, reducing pain and urinary disorders. Without a diet it will be very difficult to recover.
What not to eat if you have prostatitis
There are certain restrictions on the diet for adenoma, violation of which can provoke a relapse of the underlying disease. In order to eat properly, it is important to find out in advance what you should not eat and what food ingredients remain forever under strict medical prohibition. Prohibited foods on the prostatitis diet are detailed below:
- alcohol;
- fatty meat dishes;
- starchy foods;
- marinade and preservation;
- baked goods and sweets;
- fast food, instant food products;
- cocoa and all its derivatives.
With chronic prostatitis, doctors advise men to change their diet: exclude from the menu those foods that can aggravate the development of the disease.
The menu options are approximately as follows:
Breakfast (one option):
- porridge (oatmeal, corn, pearl barley), any fruit, a piece of low-fat hard cheese;
- omelette with herbs, berry jelly, fresh cucumber;
- cottage cheese casserole, fresh fruit.
You can supplement your breakfast with green tea, still mineral water, or any herbal tea.
Lunch (one option):
- low-fat fish soup, preferably with a second broth, fresh vegetable salad;
- borscht without meat broth, carrot salad, steamed fish;
- crumbly buckwheat porridge with seafood, boiled asparagus;
- light potato soup, stewed cabbage with a small piece of boiled lean meat;
- light broccoli soup, baked fish with vegetables, fresh vegetable salad;
- vegetable salad, steam cutlet from lean meats, durum wheat pasta.
You can create a diet for prostatitis and adenoma yourself, based on healthy foods for this disease. The menu below is just an example.
Knowing which foods are useful for treating prostatitis, everyone can create a diet in such a way that they always stick to it. Urologists say that dietary nutrition for prostatitis will be beneficial only when it becomes a way of life, a daily diet, and not a short-term restriction.
For breakfast, it is recommended to eat a bowl of oatmeal with water. Milk is not a product that will help with prostatitis, since it is not very well absorbed. Dried fruit compote (uzvar), a glass of yogurt or weak green tea are recommended as a drink.
Any fruit is offered as a snack between breakfast and lunch.
For lunch, you should eat lean chicken soup with the addition of green vegetables. You need to prepare a salad of white cabbage, carrots and cucumbers, seasoned with a spoon of olive oil and a drop of lemon juice. It is suggested to finish the meal with baked fish and berry compote.
Diet is a universal method of therapy that has no contraindications. But we should not forget about the need for an integrated and multifaceted approach to the treatment of prostatitis.
Useful products for male diseases have healing properties. They can also be used for preventive purposes. In this way, you can prevent yourself from various diseases, including prostatitis. At the first signs, consult a doctor, maintain good personal hygiene and eat right.
What foods are good for prostatitis?
For prostatitis, it is useful to eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, flax seeds), antioxidants (fruits, vegetables), zinc (nuts, seeds), vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi) and vitamin D (fish, eggs).
What foods should you avoid if you have prostatitis?
If you have prostatitis, you should avoid spicy and fatty foods, red meat, smoked foods, salty snacks, coffee, alcohol and foods rich in sugar.
Useful tips
Tip #1
Eat more vegetables and fruits as they contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can help fight prostate inflammation.
Tip #2
Avoid fatty and fried foods and limit your consumption of red meat, as these can aggravate prostate inflammation.
Tip #3
Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, nuts and flaxseed oil, as they may have anti-inflammatory effects.
Tip #4
Limit your intake of salt, sugar and processed foods, as they can contribute to a deterioration in the general condition of the body and inflammation of the prostate.